UTTAR PRADESH JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY (Print ISSN: 0256-971X) [NLM ID: 9879974] aims to publish high-quality papers in any branch of ZOOLOGY or Animal Biology (it includes studies of the animal kingdom, including the structure, embryology, evolution, classification, habits, and distribution of all animals, both living and extinct, and how they interact with their ecosystems.. It also includes Anthrozoology, Arachnology, Archaeozoology, Bionics, Cetology, Embryology, Ethology, Helminthology, Herpetology, Histology, Ichthyology, Malacology, Mammalogy, Morphology, Nematology, Ornithology, Palaeozoology, Pathology, Primatology, Protozoology, Taxonomy, Zoogeography, Zoography, Zoometry, Zootomy, etc.). This journal considers following types of papers. National Library of Medicine (NLM, USA) catalog included this journal. NLM ID of this journal is [9879974]. This journal also encourages the submission of useful reports of negative results. This is a peer-reviewed, open access INTERNATIONAL journal. This journal follows OPEN access policy. All published articles can be freely downloaded from the journal website.

UTTAR PRADESH JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY (Print ISSN: 0256-971X) was founded by late Prof. Dr. S. C. Goel. UTTAR PRADESH JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY is academically affiliated to UTTAR PRADESH ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY, 97-B SRIRAMKRUPA, NEW MANDI, P O BOX 296, MUZAFFARNAGAR, INDIA. This journal is published by MB International Media and Publishing House (MBIMPH) from 2017 (Volume 37).

Society Address:
Website: www.upzs.in

Current Issue

2024 - Volume 45 [Issue 18]

Original Research Article

Seasonal Incidence of Scirtothrips dorsalis and Bemisia tabaci on Chilli with Studies on Comparative Efficacy of Insecticides and Botanical Oils

K S Ishwarya Lakshmi, C N Rajarushi, B V Jayanth, K.R Mahendra, M. Shashikala, J S Pavan, Chaitanya M, Voodikala S. Akhil

Field Efficacy of Insecticides for Management of Lepidopteran Pests in Cashew

B. Nagendra Reddy, K. Umamaheswara Rao, B. Vimala, K. Dhanumjaya Rao, J Dilip Babu, RVSK Reddy, Mohana, G.S., Adiga, J.D.

Life Cycle and Population Dynamics of Amphutukoni Muga (Cricula trifenestrata Helfer)

Parashpriya Borah, Abhigyan Rajkhowa, Dipankar Brahma, Dhanalakhi Gogoi, Th. A. Singha, Nanita Bora, Nilav Ranjan Bora

Gross Anatomical Studies on the Pelvic Limb of Indian Palm Squirrel (Funambulus palmarum (Linnaeus, 1766))

Karunasri Vaddi, Prasanth Babu Ankem, Supriya Botlagunta, Sai Urmila Talupuru

Infection of Cestode Parasites in Channa punctatus Fish in Sagar, Madhya Pradesh, India

Raghvendra Niranjan, Raghuveer Kumar Gupta, Malabika Sikdar

Impact of Mating Frequency on Reproductive Success of Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)

Rupali J. S., Vidya Madhuri E., Sujatha G. S., Sharan S. P., D. K. Narwade

Assessment of Acute Oral Toxicity of Sonchus wightianus DC. Methanolic Extract Using OECD 423 Guidelines

Sushil Gurung, Mayukh Sarkar, Rohit Chettri, Sairashmi Samanta, Royan Chhetri, Ankit Kumar Mahato

Management of White Fly (Bemisia tabaci Genn.) by Different Bio-Pesticides on Red Okra Crop

Ajay Kumar Yadav, A. K. Chaudhary, B. Gangwar, Pradeep Kumar, Anil Kumar Yadav, Mahendra Yadav, Kamal Yadav, Jitendra Harsoliya

Assessment of Reticulocyte Count as a Prognostic Indicator for Canine Ehrlichiosis: Implications for Diagnostic and Therapeutic Strategies

Sonika Verma, Mukesh Kumar Srivastava, Jitendra Tiwari, Ashish Srivastava, Alok Chaudhary, Arpana Raikwar, Shruti Bhatt, Pooja Dawar

Study on Lepidopteran Diversity of Pursurah, Hooghly, West Bengal

Shubhajit Maji, Aniruddha Chatterjee, Samrat Bhattacharjee, Tapan Kumar Roy

Case Study

Osteodystrophy Fibrosa in a Goat Kid: Clinical Assessment and Management

Ravi Dabas, Siraj Ansari, Mayur M. Jadav, Vinita Rajpurohit, Asha Yadav, Yogesh Soni