Published: 2021-03-30

Page: 37-52


Scientific Research Center of Medical Biophysics (SRCMB), Sofia, Bulgaria.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The origin of life on Earth dates back to 3.5 billion years ago. There is even evidence that living matter was present 3.8 billion years ago, relatively shortly after the planet was formed around 4.54 billion years ago. Therefore, a valid question arises whether life originated from a series of random events or as a result of consistent patterns. And if such patterns are generated by the laws of Nature, they could hopefully give rise to life also on other planets. Following our previous research on the possibility for the origination of life in hot mineral water, comparative spectral analysis was performed of mineral water samples from Rupite, Bulgaria that are rich in hydrogen carbonate and calcium ions, as well as of cactus juice. Previous experiments were performed with Bacillus subtilis in heavy water according to existing evidence that, in the primary hydrosphere, there were more deuterium atoms in water molecules.

Comparative measurements were also done with Black sea water from Varna, Bulgaria. Our studies are based on the hypothesis that constant geothermal activity on land supported the biochemical processes of emerging living organisms, i.e. stromatolites and primary cyanobacteria. This was happening in a hydrosphere much different from the present one. There were volcanic islands and boiling lava was pouring into the primary ocean. Besides, there were hot ponds on these islands.The atmosphere was also different. It contained nitrogen, carbon dioxide, ammonia etc. These gases were being absorbed into the ponds, subsequently enhancing the favorable chemical reactions. Our work also represents the logical development of conclusions by other researchers that cell membranes could not have been formed in the marine environment.


Keywords: Hot mineral water, origin of life, polar molecules, Rupite, Bulgaria

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