Incidences of Heterocrasa expansalis (Insecta: Leipdoptera: Pyralidae) Attack on Quercus floribunda in Western Himalaya
Pawan Kumar
Forest Protection Division, Himalayan Forest Research Institute (ICFRE), Conifer Campus, Panthaghati, Shimla (H.P.)-171013, India.
Neha Sharma *
Forest Protection Division, Himalayan Forest Research Institute (ICFRE), Conifer Campus, Panthaghati, Shimla (H.P.)-171013, India.
Tamanna Thakur
Forest Protection Division, Himalayan Forest Research Institute (ICFRE), Conifer Campus, Panthaghati, Shimla (H.P.)-171013, India.
Anchal Verma
Forest Protection Division, Himalayan Forest Research Institute (ICFRE), Conifer Campus, Panthaghati, Shimla (H.P.)-171013, India.
Vipin Kumar
Forest Protection Division, Himalayan Forest Research Institute (ICFRE), Conifer Campus, Panthaghati, Shimla (H.P.)-171013, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Quercus floribunda (Green Oak) which is locally known as Moru Oak, is one of the important species of oaks widely distributed in the north western Himalayan ecosystems in the altitudinal range of 2000 to 2800m above msl. The Moru Oak is very vulnerable to insect pests attack and sometimes these attacks transformed into the outbreak of pests. During the study extensive surveys were carried out in the selected sites i.e. Chamba, Kullu and Shimla to assess the insect pest infestation during different seasons i.e. pre-monsoon, monsoon, post-monsoon using an appropriate design. During this study different insect pests attacking different parts (Leaves, stem, acorns etc.) of Moru Oak were observed along with the extent and frequency of insect attack. Insects were collected in the field and geo-information of the study sites was also recorded. The study on life history of a major defoliator Heterocrasa expansalis was undertaken in the laboratory. Assessment of the damage by different insect pests on Oak species was monitored and data on infestation status was recorded. Management of defoliators using IPM methods was also discussed.
Keywords: Infestation, Moru Oak, Lepidoptera, Pyralidae, insect pests