Species Composition, Length-Weight Relationship (LWR) and Catch Rate (CPUE) of Dominant Fishes Caught by Ring Net in Romblon Pass, Philippines


Published: 2023-07-09

DOI: 10.56557/upjoz/2023/v44i133547

Page: 92-105

Jeric B. Gonzalez *

School of Fisheries and Technology, Romblon State University-San Agustin Campus, Cabolutan, San Agustin, Romblon, 5501, Philippines.

Roelyn R. Ribot

School of Fisheries and Technology, Romblon State University-San Agustin Campus, Cabolutan, San Agustin, Romblon, 5501, Philippines.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Romblon Passage is part of Sulu-Sulawesi eco-region which is considered the global center of marine biodiversity. This area between the major basins provides an important route for migratory species including commercially important marine species. Because of the rich marine resource of this area, it serves as an important fishing ground for the fishermen of Romblon. Despite this, no study had been conducted on the species composition, abundance, size structure, and Length-Weight Relationship of common caught by ring net in Romblon Passage, Philippines. Thus, this study was realized. From July 2017 to January 2018. Six species were identified and Selar crumenophthalmus was the dominant species in the area. The majority of this species were in the immature stage. An increasing trend of growth of S. crumenophthalmus was observed during the survey. The growth of this species is said to be isometric. Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE) varied in every month. Sample sizes were ranging from 3 to 155 grams with an average weight of 59.24 grams. Based on the findings of this study, a whole year duration of sampling should be conducted. The reproductive biology of S. crumenophthalmus such as the gonadosomatic index, hepatosomatic index, and fecundity of this species should be done. In addition, a comprehensive whole-year study of the catch rate of ring net fishing in Romblon Pass should be conducted in order determines the population status of the small and big pelagic fishes in the area.

Keywords: Species composition, relative abundance, size structure, CPUE, LWR and Selar crumenophthalmus, Romblon passage

How to Cite

Gonzalez , J. B., & Ribot , R. R. (2023). Species Composition, Length-Weight Relationship (LWR) and Catch Rate (CPUE) of Dominant Fishes Caught by Ring Net in Romblon Pass, Philippines. UTTAR PRADESH JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY, 44(13), 92–105. https://doi.org/10.56557/upjoz/2023/v44i133547