Evaluating Human-wildlife Conflict and Its Consequences on Agriculture: Insights from Villagers' Perceptions
Nidhi Rawat *
Doon Business School, Dehradun Uttarakhand, India.
Pallavi Chauhan
Plantica, Dehradun Uttarakhand, India.
Tufaid Ashraf Wani
Uttaranchal (P.G.) College of Biomedical Sciences & Hospitals, Dehradun, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
This study tries to evaluate the HWC and its consequences on the basis of villager’s perception. For this study survey was conducted for collection and interpretation of data through semi-structured questionnaire and personal interviews. Data collected were qualitative and quantitative on the basis of respondent opinion. Data was collected for livestock loss, human loss, crop loss and its economic analysis. A significantly maximum 60% loss was due to elephant was a serious menace, 70% of crops are being destroyed alone by monkeys and livestock loss was observed minimum. In addition, threat ranking (according to 3×3 matrix) is given for various key threats in the area observed during survey, this data information can be helpful for decision makers to frame sustainable policies and plans to reduce HWC. Most of the respondent considered HWC as a serious threat for agriculture.
Keywords: Human wildlife conflict, threat ranking, crop loss, livestock depredation